Monday, May 31, 2010

Heirloom Tomatoes - Day 71

We are happy to report that our heirloom tomato plants are doing well and thriving. Upon returning from our mini-trip to Atlanta and seeing our tomatoes again, we felt like parents seeing their kids after summer camp - they had grown so much in such a short amount of time!


You can tell which side of this plot gets more sun (the right side). The plants on the left and towards the back wall are definitely shorter, having only about 4-5 hours of sun a day in comparison to the 8-10 hours the rest of the plants get.

tomo 1

Most of the plants are starting to flower. Hopefully that means tomatoes are right around the corner!


We started off with 16 plants and now we're down to 14. One plant, Julia Child, shriveled and yellowed, not even making it through the first month. We are having some pest trouble, seen and unseen. There are a fair number of hole-y leaves and some that are drying out and yellowing at the edges. We are pruning and using organicides in hopes of mitigating any future damage. Hopefully they will leave our tomatoes alone.



Note: Our homemade Topsy-Turvey was a fail. The plant only lasted a week or two before separating from the roots and falling out.