Wednesday, April 13, 2011

é by Jose Andres

The Cosmopolitan
3708 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89109

Charlie can have his Chocolate Factory because these are the golden tickets that I want!

golden ticket

To help us pass the time before our trip to Spain, we decided to try some more "local" Spanish cuisine. And when you think of Spanish cuisine here in the US, the name Jose Andres inevitably comes up. We quickly dispensed the notion of returning to the Bazaar due to our mediocre experience the first time around. But after doing some additional research, we came across a new, semi-secret establishment that Chef Andres had created in Las Vegas. So a Vegas trip was planned and a fantastic meal was savored.

This semi-secret restaurant is é, located inside Jaleo at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. A restaurant within a restaurant, the intimate space seats eight, with two dining times: 5:30pm and 8:30pm. The food is prepared in front of the diners which lends itself to being a dinner and a show. We knew we were in for something out of the ordinary when I received this email from the restaurant:

Congratulations, you’ve made it! We are excited to take you and your guests on a culinary journey that celebrates Spanish Gastronomy in its most pristine forms presented with unparalleled finesse. We ask for your understanding that the show begins promptly at 5:30 PM. Please do not be late. Thank you for your reservation at é by José Andrés!

And then we got those golden tickets in mail. Needless to say, we are all very excited for the meal. You can also imagine the same level of anger when Ray realized I left our memory card sitting in the computer at home...and no one else brought a camera, all thinking our pictures would suffice. Thank goodness for the iPhone but apologies in advance for the not-so-great pictures.

1. Frozen Sangria with Grilled Strawberries - A beverage of sorts to start the meal. The frozen sangria was reminiscent of a sorbet. The warm strawberries were mildly sweet and not too tart. The contrasting temperatures did well to prep your palate for the pleasures to come. They also made non-alcoholic versions.
 flower hand
2A. Spanish “Clavel” - Served in a mold of Chef Andres' hand. This serving was to be eaten in one bit. It was extremely delicate and fell apart quickly upon first chew. The remainder then binds together, somewhat like caramel, yielding sweet and tangy yogurt-like flavors

By this time, all anger over the forgotten memory card was readily replaced by excitement for the dishes to come. Thank you, Chef Andres, for saving me from Ray's wrath.

Beet jewrly

2B. Beet Jewelry - Again, extremely delicate pieces that yielded a delightfully crispy crunch once placed in your mouth. The natural sweetness of the beets shined through. Quite tasty. It was interesting to see this iteration of the fried beet as compared to version we had at AnQi. I guess fried beets are in vogue in the molecular world.


2C. Caramelized Pork Rinds - The best pork rinds we've had. Light and crispy with a little bit of salt and hints of caramelized sugar. A whole bag of these would be welcomed.


3. Membrillo and La Serena Cone
- A mild cheese with an accompanied sweetness in the form of quince paste. The cone was another demonstration of the Chef's ability to form light and crispy creations. The cheese was fairly mild and paired well with the quince

cheese tube
4. Apple “Brazo de Gitano” - Somewhat of a cross between cotton candy and a marshmallow. Eat bite nearly melted in your mouth and gave your palate the distinct taste of apple. The combination of the caramel created a sophisticated imitation of the country fair's caramel apple.
5. Jose’s Taco and Artichoke with Caviar - The first truly savory dish of the night. Jamon iberco is likely one of the most renowned cured meats. The delicate pork combined with the briny caviar created a synergy of flavors. The fried artichoke contained a quail egg and was also topped with caviar; very rich and tasty as well, but the ham was the favorite of the two.

Uni Roll

6. Bocata de “Calamares”- A "lobster roll" in which the lobster was substituted by an uni cream. The unmistakable robust flavors of the uni held up well against the slightly sweet brioche-like bun. Together with the freshness of cucumbers and scallion made this a tasty sandwich.

almond milk soup

7. Ajo Blanco - One soup with six distinctly different flavors. Depending on where your spoon landed, you may have picked up bits of herby micro greens, shaved almonds or a nori gelee. An interesting dish and great way to give your palate a break from the other weightier dishes of the night.

spot prawns

8. Santa Barbara Spot Prawns with Roses - These shrimp were the definition of succulent. The natural sweetness really shined through. The texture was "spot" on. The foam added a bit of saltiness and complimented the shrimp perfectly. A favorite of the night.

chef -smoker


9. Smoky Oysters in Escabeche - Kumamoto oysters cooked in its own juices, smoked and served with a honey foam and pearl onion. The oyster juice helped emphasize the briny flavors with the onion and honey foam to counterbalance any unpleasantness. The smoke helped stimulate the olfactory senses but wasn't evident in the oyster itself.


10. Catch of the Day (Turbot) - A firm white fish served with blackened garlic and mini citrus spheres. The blackened garlic was just slightly sweet and more pasty in texture while lacking the usual punch when in raw form. The citrus pearls were the most distinguishable element in this fairly reserved dish.
 foie lobe
11. Whole Lobe of Foie Gras Baked in Salt - This goose liver baked in rock salt yielded a creamy texture we'd never experienced before. It was everything that's great about foie gras combined with this distinctively unique texture made this a dish we'd not soon forget. The complimenting orange juice helped liven up this heavy dish.

truffle pig
12.Secreto of Iberico Pork - This secret cut of pork is taken from the shoulder blade. It was definitely a chewier cut of meat. The truffles had a heavy aroma but lacked any kick when it reached the palate. The chanterelles were very tasty.

13. Orange Pith Puree La Serena - The same cheese we had in the cone earlier in the night. This time you really notice its creaminess and musky aroma. The orange puree and pumpkin seeds definitely played second fiddle to the bold La Serena. An interesting "dessert" to say the least.

14. Frozen Apricot Coulant - Somewhat like a cold souffle. This one with a torched caramel top paired with yogurt. Cold, hot, sweet and tangy. A nice dessert.

wine apples
15. Apples & Red Wine “Fredy Giradet” - Red wine spheres along with apple balls in wine. Sweet and acidic tempered by the ice cream. Only the slightest hint of alcohol came through. Quite tasty.
16. 25 Second Bizcocho - Having seen a demonstration of this when Anthony Bourdain visited Chef Ferran Adria at El Bulli a couple years ago, it was a pleasure to finally taste it. It's quite amazing that this cake was baked/cooked in only twenty-five seconds within a microwave. The little air pockets were filled with dabs of caramel and citrus puree made this the best dessert of the night. I can't wait to try this at home!

The $250 price tag came with an obligatory wine pairing with the meal. As I only like drinking girly wines like Prosecco and off-dry Rieslings, my assessment of the wine pairings probably won't mean much to anyone (I didn't care for any of them). The ONE pairing I really did enjoy was the special Jose Andres-crafted beer to pair with the meal. I don't usually like beer but I sure did enjoy this one.

wine Pairs

We asked and opted for a non-alcoholic beverage pairing as well. All the drinks were delicious - better than the alcoholic pairing in my opinion.

sangria non alchol

This was a non-alcoholic sangria with a $2.50 ice sphere in place of the common ice cube. Apparently, the restaurant special orders these spheres from a vendor - the water is constantly shaken and agitated during the freezing process, preventing the white patches to appear in the ice. The result is a crystal clear globe of ice.

pineappluy upside down
This was the Pineapple-Upside-Down drink - sweet and spiced. Tasted like a pina colada. The foam was very thick, almost spongy and added a nice depth.

Not pictured is our favorite non-alcoholic drink of the night: an apple-lemon "beer" consisting of apple juice, lemon juice and tonic water. We re-created it at home, sweetened with some agave and it was so yummy!

All-in-all, one of the best meals we've had in a very long time. The food was extremely good, the service was excellent and the "show" was fun and educational. All of us were riding high on a level of excitement we haven't experienced for awhile, anticipating what flavors and textures the next dish would bring. Were Chef Andres and his team to come out with new items for his menus, we wouldn't hesitate to return. An experience so positive that we're seriously contemplating a return to Bazaar and/or Saam Bar. A trip to his DC flagship Mini Bar is now definitely on the "to do" list. A memorable dinner that will not soon be forgotten. And as assigned by the team at é, we, diners 420 and 421, are already looking forward to our next encounter with Chef Andres and his creations.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!! The photos are actually really clear, especially viewing from my iPhone.
