Sunday, May 22, 2011

PB&J Cookies | Project Pastry Queen

rack cookies

I finally had time this weekend to rejoin the Project Pastry Queen world - this week's recipe, Peanut Butter and Jelly cookies were selected from Sarah of 20somethingcupcakes. I was a little hesitant to make these at first because the pictures from the book didn't look too appealing. But I'm glad I made them - these cookies are super yummy and lends to a number of different variations. The original recipe bakes up 6 1/2 dozen cookies - as I wasn't sure of the end result, I only made 1/3 of a batch and came up with about 1 1/2 dozen cookies.


I tried another variation by omitting the jelly and adding chocolate chips and toasted pecans  - Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. They were just as yummy as the jelly version.

half cookie

Head over to Sarah's blog for the full recipe!


  1. so i heard you went to Ford's Filling Station, and i was thinking of going there but wanted your opinion before i gave it a shot.

    - anonymous i <3 yummy fan =)

  2. Looks great! And I love the variations. I never use the jelly - it's the world's best pb cookie without it :)

  3. Thanks Sean, our anonymous fan :) Would you like to be to a guest writer for our blog? I believe "just like a chicken nugget" was the money phrase.
