Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hill Country Peach Cobbler

Peach Cobbler

This week's Project Pastry Queen recipe is hosted by Josie of Pink Parsley. I've been a bad PPQ member - this is my first recipe after a long vacation hiatus. I'm glad I made it back in time for the peach cobbler - it is super simple and yummy. Definitely serve it up with some ice cream - there's no other better way to eat it. One thing great about PPQ is that I probably never would have made this peach cobbler otherwise. Cobblers and pies don't usually appeal to me and tend to go unacknowleged in my cookbooks. Participating in PPQ has allowed me to bake and cook things outside of my norm.

Peaches and Ramekins

This recipe lends to a lot of different variations with seasonal fruits. I toss in some fresh raspberries for color but blueberries, blackberries, cherries and apples can be substituted as well. Rather than using the 8x8 baking dish, I opted to half the recipe and use 4 ramekins instead - I like having some crispy crust in every bite. I followed Josie's recommendation and added a couple of pinches of cinnamon to the batter for some extra spice - definitely recommend it. You can find the full recipe at Pink Parsley.

Baked Cobbler in ramekin

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